The Matters of Faith

Concise Explanation of the Most Important Matters of Faith

20 Lessons
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  • Lesson One

    If you are asked: "What are the matters the human is asked about in his/her grave?" say:
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  • Lesson Two

    When you are asked: "Who is your Lord?"
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  • Lesson Three

    The Lord is the Worshipped god
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  • Lesson Four

    The meaning of "la ilaha illa Allah" is:
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  • Lesson Five

    Among the types of worship that Allah commanded us to practice is
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  • Lesson Six

    The evidence of supplication is Allah’s Words:
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  • Lesson Seven

    The evidence of fear is Allah’s Words:
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  • Lesson Eight

    The evidence of dependence is Allah’s Words:
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  • Lesson Nine

    The evidence of apprehension is Allah’s Words:
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  • Lesson Ten

    The evidence of seeking refuge is Allah’s Words:
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  • Lesson Eleven

    The evidence of slaughtering is Allah’s Words:
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  • Lesson Twelve

    Qu. 2: When you are asked: "What is your religion?"
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  • Lesson Thirteen

    The pillars of Islam are five:
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  • Lesson Fourteen

    The pillars of faith are six, as in the Prophetic Hadith:
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  • Lesson Fifteen

    Qu. 3 When you are asked: "Who is your Prophet?"
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  • Lesson Sixteen

    Allah sent him to warn of polytheism and call to monotheism. The evidence to this is Allah’s Words:
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  • Lesson Seventeen

    He remained in Makkah for ten years calling to monotheism. When the ten years passed, he was raised to heaven
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  • Lesson Eighteen

    The religion of Islam is lasting
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  • Lesson Nineteen

    Allah imposed disbelief in false deities and belief in Allah on all His servants.
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  • Lesson Twenty

    There are plenty of false gods. Their heads are five:
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