About the academy

تهدف منصة معين إلى أن تصبح الرائدة في نشر العلم الشرعي ورفع مستوى المعرفة الدينية بين المسلمين. تسعى المنصة لرفع الجهل عن المسلمين في جميع أنحاء العالم. نتطلع إلى تمكين المسلمين من فهم العلوم الشرعية المهمة وتطبيقها في حياتهم اليومية، وذلك من خلال منصة تعليمية شاملة ومتعددة اللغات.


Vision: The aim of Ma'een platform is to become a leader in disseminating Islamic knowledge and raising the level of religious awareness among Muslims. The platform seeks to eliminate ignorance among Muslims worldwide. We aspire to empower Muslims to understand and apply important Islamic sciences in their daily lives through a comprehensive and multilingual educational platform.


Mission: Ma'een platform is an Islamic platform that focuses on spreading Islamic knowledge and enhancing religious awareness among Muslims. We strive to provide reliable and diverse resources in the fields of the Quran, Hadith, creed, interpretation, jurisprudence, and ethics. Our services are offered in multiple languages to ensure the dissemination of Islamic knowledge to as many Muslims as possible.


  • Spreading Islamic Knowledge: We strive to disseminate Islamic knowledge through innovative and effective methods on our platform. This includes providing comprehensive educational materials that cover various Islamic sciences, using the latest educational systems. We also aim to provide simplified and understandable lessons, articles, and educational videos.
  • Eliminating Ignorance among Muslims: Especially in areas where there is a lack or weakness in the field of Islamic propagation and knowledge, we are keen to consider the circumstances and conditions of learners. This includes factors such as the prevailing jurisprudential school of thought, level of academic achievement, and other different conditions.