Remembrances and Prayers

Selected Collection of Remembrances and Prayers Divided into Twenty Lessons

22 Lessons
Previous Level
  • Lesson One

    Remembrances at waking up from sleep - Remembrance at wearing a new dress
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  • Lesson Two

    Supplication for entering the water cycle - Supplication at getting out of the water cycle - Remembrance at the end of the ritual ablution (wudu')
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  • Lesson Three

    Remembrance at getting out of the house - Remembrance at entering the house
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  • Lesson Four

    Remembrance at entering the mosque - Remembrance at getting out of the mosque
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  • Lesson Five

    Remembrance of the call to prayer (adhan) - Supplication after the last tashahhud and before departing the prayer with salaam
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  • Lesson Six

    Remembrances after concluding the prayer with the greeting of peace
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  • Lesson Seven

    Remembrances after concluding the prayer with the greeting of peace - 2
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  • Lesson Eight

    Supplication of the prayer of istikharah (asking Allah, All-Mighty, for guidance)
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  • Lesson Nine

    Remembrances of the morning and evening
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  • Lesson Ten

    Remembrances of the morning and evening - 2
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  • Lesson Eleven

    Remembrances before sleep
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  • Lesson Twelve

    Remembrances before sleep - 2
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  • Lesson Thirteen

    The prayer of anxiety and scare in sleep - and for the one who is afflicted with apprehension - What should the one who has seen a dream or vision do?
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  • Lesson Fourteen

    The prayer of solicitude and sorrow - The prayer for agony - The prayer for facing the enemy and those in authority
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  • Lesson Fifteen

    What is said by the one who is afraid of a people - Prayer for repaying a debt - Prayer for the one who faces an obstacle
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  • Lesson Sixteen

    Prayer for a patient at visiting him/her - Prayer for the one who is afflicted with a misfortune - Prayer for consoling
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  • Lesson Seventeen

    Prayer for visiting graves - Prayer at breakfasting as for the fasting one
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  • Lesson Eighteen

    Prayer for having food - Prayer at the end of food - Prayer of the guest for the host - Prayer when one breaks fasting with a house residents
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  • Lesson Nineteen

    Prayer for sneezing - Prayer for one who has got married - Prayer of the one who has got married and for buying a beast
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  • Lesson Twenty

    Prayer for anger - Prayer for seeing an afflicted one - The expiation for a session - Prayer for travel
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  • Lesson Twenty One

    Prayer at entering a market - The traveler’s prayer for a resident - The resident’s prayer for a traveler
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  • Lesson Twenty Two

    What is said and done by the one who receives what pleases him/her or displeases him/her - Supplication of the one who fears from afflicting something with his/her eye
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